For advertisers

The website is completely found in the Forex and Stock Exchange foreign exchange market, therefore, offers for advertising brokerage companies and financial services are welcome. At the moment, the attendance of the resource on average is 5000-6000 visitors per month.

The site can accommodate both banner and other types of advertising.

Placing and writing an advertising article with 1-2 indexed links:

  • Placement of an advertising article - 150 US dollars
  • Writing and placing an article - 190 US dollars
  • Writing an article on a given topic without accommodation, in Russian, English, Polish or Ukrainian $ 20 for 1000 signs.
  • For issues of writing and placing articles on the site, contact the address: For writing and posting articles on the site, contact:    This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

    The cost of advertising places: position 1 - banner in the header of the site $ 119 per month.

    • Position 2 – banner in the right column $180 per month.
    • Position 3 – footer banner $119 per month.
    • Position 4 - text advertising in the center of article 400 dollars per month.

    Send all proposals for advertising on to the following address:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

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