The seven most important trading questions.

Many beginners ask the question “What is the most important thing in trading”, in Forex trading almost everything is important, there are no trifles, but there are still several aspects that should be paidtrading rules special attention to.

They affect both the trading itself and some preparatory aspects; knowing them will help you avoid many mistakes that any novice trader usually makes.

1. The size of the leverage - the larger it is, the higher the risk of trading, and to be more precise, the more significant the difference between your deposit, the greater the likelihood of being left without it. At the beginning of trading, the maximum size of this indicator should not exceed 1:50, unless we are talking about particularly risky strategies such as scalping.

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2. Setting stops - stop loss orders and trailing stops are set not only without fail, but also simultaneously with the opening of each new position.

3. Stop loss may not work - yes, there is such a possibility when price gaps appear; you can read from any broker that the transaction is closed at the first available price.

Failure to work threatens a complete loss or unplanned losses; most often, price gaps occur on weekends or holidays. 4. Trading with advisors - there are no 100% profitable robots; any of them can fail and leave you without a deposit.

5. Avoid blocking your account - when opening accounts at any Forex brokerage company, check which strategies are allowed and what are prohibited; blocking your Forex account is not such a rare occurrence.

6. Never risk everything - the broker’s account should only contain the amount necessary to support transactions and no more, you should not throw in money with a reserve, there should always be a reserve.

7. Beware of working with new brokers - choose only time-tested, large Forex brokerage companies for trading.

If you follow these tips all the time, this is guaranteed to allow you not to lose your money, and over time, to increase your existing capital.

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