Larry Tweed Psychology of finance.

Leary Tweed, who wrote this book, is the director and founder of several hedge funds that attractLarry Tweed Psychology of Finance and invest clients' money in the foreign exchange and stock markets.

Larry himself worked as a trader on the stock exchange for several years, after which he was engaged in portfolio investments. Later he wrote or was actively involved in the creation of several books and textbooks on trading in financial markets.

After reading this book, you will be able to understand how to use the psychological factor when trading Forex, knowing how the crowd will behave makes it much easier to predict the direction of the trend.

And besides, do not succumb to market pressure. Content overview.

the best choice at the moment

1. Greed and fear – a description of the main motives that drive a trader when trading Forex.

Some historical information about the origins of fundamental and technical analysis. 2. Four terrible truths about finance - rules of the forex market that should be taken into account when trading.

3. Psychology of market information – basics of financial psychology and some basics of technical analysis.

4. Market reversal - the reasons and features of its occurrence, types of reversals and tactics of behavior at these moments.

5. Trading in a trend - this part of the book combines several main sections that tell how trading follows a trend .

The section also includes information about placing stop orders. 6. Basic trading strategies and tactics are the most popular trading techniques that are most often used by traders.

Basically, general recommendations are given for trading on the stock exchange, but at the same time you can find quite useful recommendations. 7. Split personality and its impact on the approach to trading - identifying the main types of traders.

8. The Path to Ruin - The book's overstated article talks about what not to do when trading forex or other financial markets.

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