Van Tharp "Super Trader" How to make money on the stock exchange in any conditions.”

If you want to learn trading by reading just one book, then this textbook is just your choice, since it combinesVan Tharp "Super Trader" How to make money on the stock exchange in any conditions.” almost all aspects of working on the stock exchange, from theory and psychological foundations to a description of the practical aspects of trading.

It will help the reader create the right psychological mood for trading, determine goals and objectives, and also draw up a work plan.

And this is already half the way you need to go to achieve your goal. It should be noted that the book will be of more interest to novice traders, since here you will not find descriptions of specific strategies ; it mainly describes the basic principles of organizing exchange trading.

Contents of the chapters.

the best choice at the moment

1. Work on yourself - assessment of personal qualities, classification of traders and which category you can be classified into.

Self-improvement as one of the components for achieving success. 2. Plan for working on the stock exchange - in order not to turn your work into chaos, you must have a plan that indicates everything, from the daily routine to the goals that you want to achieve in a certain time.

This chapter explains how to draw up this plan. 3. Development of a trading system - a trading system depending on the type of market you trade on, planning for entering and closing transactions with maximum efficiency.

4. Position size - the importance of this value, options for calculating this indicator taking into account the amount of capital.

5. Ideas about trading - additional tips and recommendations that can increase your work efficiency and avoid common mistakes.

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