Traders are among us. Romanov V. (PDF)

Most of us start doing something because we saw a clear example of how interesting this business is or how much money it brings in.

It is also no less interesting to find out the opinions of colleagues who work in the same field as you.

The book “Traders Among Us” written by Vladimir Romanov is a collection of interviews talking about the work of a trader.

The main feature of this publication is that it was written from the words of our compatriots trading in Forex and other markets.

In addition, the book was published quite recently and describes the experience of our contemporaries, and sometimes even our peers.

It contains 25 interviews with various traders, people briefly talk about their biography, how they started trading on the stock exchange and what led them to this.

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From the book you will not learn about any secrets or new strategies; we can say that this is more entertaining reading than an investment textbook.

You might be interested in reading about those who engage in similar activities and compare how different these people are from you.

It is also always useful to find out the opinions of such a large number of people regarding the trading process and the organization of work.

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