Tick ​​indicator.

Most traders are accustomed to the fact that the minimum time period on the Forex chart is M1, but within one minute the pricetick indicator makes a lot of movements, they are called ticks.

A tick is a price change, the distance between two subsequent quotes, that is, in fact, it is the minimum unit of measurement for the price of a currency pair.

The tick indicator allows you to display a tick chart on the screen in a standard trader’s terminal, on which the slightest price changes will be clearly visible.

It is advisable to use the indicator only on a minute time frame; on longer time periods, the tick curve simply turns into an almost straight line and does not carry useful information.

the best choice at the moment

Features of the script.

After installation, a separate window appears below the currency pair chart, in which we see a green curve, the name of the currency pair and the current quote.

The curve itself is always green, but the inscription changes depending on the direction of the last tick.

Green - price increase.
Red is its decline.

The tick indicator has no additional settings, except for changing the visual display, and what can be changed here is that this tool is more like a useful script, since it does not analyze the trend, but only provides additional information.

scalping traders ; by analyzing its performance curve, you can find the most successful entry point into the market.

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