ABC Trading with a training account - free

Beginning traders often encounter terms on Forex, which are not fully understood.

NPBFX 19.03

Traiders may not know what swap, spot, frieze, or Marzhin Collus are.

But without knowledge, the foundations cannot be objectively seen by the market and earn on trade.

To understand trading processes, it is recommended to first understand the basic terminology of Forex.

In this, the ABC of the trader will help you - the glossary on the analytical portal NPBFX, and you can fix knowledge without risk on a free educational (demo) account.

Briefly about how to get training and open a demo account.

What is a glossary? The glossary on the analytical portal NPBFX is a dictionary of highly specialized Forex terms with a detailed interpretation of each concept.

NPBFX 19.03

Pros Glossaria:

  • More than 150 Forex terms in alphabet. The alphabet facilitates the search for terms.
  • Access in Russian. All notes and tools of the portal are presented in Russian with the possibility of choosing other languages.
  • Search for terms. A special form of search is built into the built -in, which will help find the terms.
  • Connection from any devices. You can connect to the analytical portal through a computer and a smartphone. For a computer, it is enough to use a browser. For mobile devices - a browser or application "NPBX Analytics" Google Play. The application with unique tools use more than 10 thousand traders.
  • Free 24/7. You do not pay for the glossary and tools of the analytical portal.

What does the trading alphabet look like? The glossary contains basic definitions with explanations in a brief and affordable form. The article presents the term, and on the contrary - a description. Example:

Name Description
Pips PIPS denotes a percentage in points. This is the last figure after the comma in the quotation and the minimum change in the price.
Pulbek The turn of the cost of a trading instrument after a breakdown of the resistance level, which now has become the level of support. Pulbeks arise during ascending and descending trends in the form of temporary turns from the current trend.
Black box Automated trade is based on the use of computer systems that transactions make through their own software.

What is an analytical portal? The portal is the multifunctional service of the NPBFX broker. The portal is developed so that traders can pump trade skills, get ready -made solutions for market analysis and trade “mathematics”, increasing profit indicators.

The portal has built 7 sections-assistants, where the best analytical and training tools for analyzing quotations and decision-making are published:

  • Ribbon: analytical articles, investment ideas and news on all trading assets.
  • Signals: trading signals with exact recommendations.
  • Video: Video prognoses to stay in the know of economic events.
  • Calendar: Economic statistics, holidays and dates for fixing registers.
  • Training: glossary, video courses, economic indicators and an electronic textbook.
  • Tools: calculators, a pivot point, historical volatility and others.
  • A chat with an analyst in which you can ask questions about the trade or work of the portal.

Advantages of the portal:

  • Multifunctionality. Everything you need is collected in one place.
  • Reliability. The presented materials are prepared by experts based on technical and fundamental analysis.
  • Connection immediately after registration. You do not waste time on a separate subscription, you are not distracted by spam or annoying calls.
  • C Ertvis of a proven and reliable company NPBFX . The company has been working with traders since 1996. Until 2016, customer service was carried out at JSC Nefteprombank with a license of the Central Bank of Russia.
  • Free access 24/7. You only need registration and personal account in NPBFX.

NPBFX is a high -tech and reliable broker with the best tools to provide transparent trading. The company operates using STP/NDD technology, which excludes a conflict of interests between the organization and customers.

NPBFX has received membership in a financial commission, which guarantees a compensation fund of 20 thousand euros for each client in a dispute situation.

Traiders choose any trading accounts for their investment expectations: Master, Zero, Expert, VIP, Standard Cent, Zero Cent, Master Chinese Yuan. All STP/NDD accounts, Tier 1 suppliers and Russian -speaking client support 24/5. The trade platform for trading is free-Metatrader 4 for PC, iPhone, iPad, Android and Web browser.

In NPBFX 130+ trade assets, spreads from 0 points, credit shoulder up to 1: 1000. A multi -level affiliate program is provided and access to social trading via NPB Invest.

The minimum deposit for the start of trading: $ 10/10 euros or 500 rubles.

How to master the alphabet of trading on the portal? To connect to the portal, register on the NPBFX website.

You can test knowledge and work out trading transactions management skills on comfortable conditions NPBFX.

NPBFX 19.03

Pros of Demo NPBFX :

  • Without risks and making a deposit. You do not pay for the opening and maintenance of a training account. You can not lose anything from your own funds, since trade is conducted with virtual money. The demo account is ideal for the first acquaintance with the terminal and the type of trading position. The training demo account will also help master the alphabet of trading in practice.
  • It is identical to the real account. On demo the same assets, indicators and shoulder.
  • Not limited by the life. NPBFX does not close and does not freeze the demo account.
  • Not limited in quantity. You have no restrictions on the number of demo in your personal account.

NPBFX has 4 types of demo:

  • DEMO Master : Spread from 1.4, commission 0 USD, shoulder up to 1: 1000.
  • DEMO Expert : spread from 0.8, commission 0 USD, shoulder up to 1: 1000.
  • Demo VIP : a spread from 0.4, commission 0 USD, shoulder up to 1: 1000.
  • DEMO Standard Cent : Pove from 1.4, commission 0 USD, shoulder up to 1: 1000.

NPBFX training account for free. How to open?

  1. Go to the NPBFX website.
  2. Register your Personal Account.
  3. Through your personal account, open a demo account.
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