Professional burnout among traders and how to deal with it

The concept of professional burnout is familiar to almost any person who has been involved in routine work for a long time.

Even at the beginning, an interesting activity gradually begins to get boring if you do it every day for several years.

At the same time, trading is no exception; it would seem that trading on the stock exchange can get boring, but you can only think so if you don’t do it every day.

After all, at its core, modern trading can also be attributed to routine work; every day you have to repeat the same actions, analyze charts, read news, and place orders.

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Therefore, sooner or later everyone has to deal with professional burnout, which is first expressed in a lack of desire to work, and then completely turns into depression.

How to overcome this condition and avoid serious consequences of routine work?

The main advantage of modern exchange trading is that you can work 24/7; this same property is also its main disadvantage.

Therefore, every trader needs to be able to completely disconnect from work; at the moment there are many options on how to do this.

Here are the ones that help me personally get distracted:

  • Fishing or going out into nature is perhaps the best way to recharge. The main thing is that the place where you are going has poor internet or no internet at all.
  • Sports – daily exercise not only helps to distract you, but also improves your health. After all, sitting at a computer is a rather harmful activity. Moreover, the sports category can easily include a swimming pool, going to the sauna, and jogging in the fresh air.
  • A hobby is an activity that you want to spend your free time on. For example, I love cooking; this activity is a great change of activity for me.

In addition, you should try to make your work more varied; yes, you achieve maximum efficiency if you trade one asset for a long time.

At the same time, learning new tools allows you to diversify your workflow and make it less boring. Therefore, you need to try something new sometimes.

If you were unable to avoid professional burnout, then the most effective method of dealing with it would be a full-fledged vacation. Lasting at least several weeks.

It was not for nothing that I said about a full-fledged vacation, since I myself am used to working even during trips to the sea, the main thing here is to completely forget about work, only in this case the vacation will give the desired effect.

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