Interesting facts about the famous Mr. Soros.

Surely, there is not a single trader who has not heard about the success of the famous Mr.Soros Soros, but it is worth learning about this success in more detail.

As you know, it was Mr. Soros who was able to earn about two billion US dollars precisely from the complete collapse of the British currency. The trading strategy was quite simple: Soros took out a short-term loan in pounds and opened a deal to buy the German mark.

After the fall of the pound, all operations were closed back, and the exchange rate difference ended up in the trader’s pocket. According to one version, Soros played on the information that the upcoming news would not confirm the assumption of a reduction in the German discount rate. According to another, he spurred the fall by throwing 5 billion British pounds into the market.

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This amazing story can serve as an example of success for any trader.

It is important that it was he who began his unique ascent with an initial capital of only six hundred dollars.

Over the decade that he spent on the stock exchange, George was able to increase this capital to one hundred million. It was he who began to advertise the method of arbitrage in trading. One of the most surprising but fruitful transactions that George carried out was a transaction related to the Japanese Yen.

The day before, a multi-million dollar deal was opened to buy the Japanese yen, and the next day it sharply rose in price against the dollar by more than 4%. As Mr. Soros himself says, the deal was essentially completely meaningless, but it was able to bring him about forty million dollars in just one day.

In addition, it can be noted that George often earned amounts that were equal to the annual GDP of some countries.

For example, Chad. Moreover, the profit was received literally within a few days. Of course, a very large part of Mr. D. Soros’s income comes precisely from the funds he himself founded in the field of Forex investments , which are located in twenty-six countries.

However, all major investment types of decisions belong to George. In addition to successes, Soros also suffered a number of failures; the most famous cost him $2 billion; it laid the foundation for a billionaire in Russia during the 1998 default.

And the most amazing fact is that George Soros began his career as a trader with literally a few hundred dollars.

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