Why women are more successful in trading.

In any profession, there are people who quickly reach the pinnacle of excellence and those who cannot achieve success for years.

Such a specific field of activity as trading is no exception; some of the newcomers have millions of dollars under management within a year, while others have only been losing money for decades.

But besides the fact that stock trading requires a certain character, you can also notice that the gender of the trader plays an important role.

As statistics show, about 70% of women who decide to make a career on the stock exchange achieve success, while at the same time, the results of men are several times more modest.

Why did such a situation arise, since men have logical thinking and are more delayed, while women are more emotional and more often act on intuition?

What is the secret of women's success in Forex?

• They are more willing to study – most women are not only more willing to study, but they pay more attention to nuances and various little things. They are more patient and can spend more than one day on training, while for a man it is enough to study the technical side of the issue.

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• Natural selection – the smartest and most educated people go into stock trading, since not every woman knows a computer well, and will even be able to understand the operation of the trading platform.

• Less risky - they are less likely to enter into spontaneous transactions without thinking about the entire deposit amount; this caution helps not to lose all the money on the first day of trading. They rarely set records, but they also rarely lose deposits.

• Creative tendencies – they often develop their own trading style and look for a non-standard way to solve a problem.

Despite the fact that the percentage of representatives of the fair sex on the stock exchange is minimal, there are many examples of their success:

Linda Bradford Raschke not only had a successful career, but also created her own investment fund, which ranked 17th in terms of five-year profitability among 4,500 similar companies.

Cynthia Case - in addition to making a fortune, she also actively developed indicators for technical analysis.

The secret of her success is that work should not only bring money, but also give pleasure. Carol Galley is a great example of how anyone can reach the top if they want to.

Her first position in an investment company was as a librarian, but thanks to perseverance and determination, Carol was able to become a director of this very company and manage more than 500 billion. There are also hundreds of other examples where women received billions in management or earned millions themselves.

While you almost never see reports of high-profile bankruptcies of investment companies managed by a woman.

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