Oil and the crisis of the Russian stock exchange

A record collapse in oil prices also created quite a lot of panic around the world. If earlier analysts said with a grin that the price of oil would not fall below $45, then today’s price of $30 per barrel hit the main indices of oil-producing countries very hard. So, by looking at the main Moscow RTS index, you can clearly see the consequences:

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Naturally, the Russian ruble, both last year and this year, has suffered slightly, and given that an increase in prices for oil and minerals is not expected in the near future, we will see such a panicky situation on the Russian stock exchange almost every day:

The renewed fall of China's main indices and its crisis are causing a collapse on world stock exchanges.

We can safely conclude that until the Chinese Stock Exchange stabilizes and the fall in prices for oil and other energy resources stops, the global crisis will shake up the main indices around the world more than once.   

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