America does not like the low exchange rate of the Euro.

It would seem that a strong currency is always beneficial for the country it represents, but in practice the situation is quite the opposite.

A strong national currency is always a blow to exports, since the strengthening of the national currency leads to a proportional rise in the price of goods.

For this reason, most countries try to prevent their currencies from strengthening excessively by intervening.

The last few years have seen a significant drop in the Euro, which has played a positive role for the European economy.

Recently, the head of the US National Trade Council, Peter Navarro, saw in the fall of the Eurocurrency some patterns, which could only be caused artificially.

He accused the German government of undervaluing the exchange rate.

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Navarro believes that such a monetary policy gives unjustified advantages to producers of goods from Europe over other countries.

The official intends to continue to control the ECB’s actions to reduce the euro exchange rate, although this is an internal matter of the European Union.

It is possible that as a result of the new scandal, the Euro will slightly strengthen its position relative to others currencies, and most importantly in relation to the American dollar.
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