Analysis is not to blame

In recent years, Forex trading has become much simpler from the technical side, but this has not made making money on the foreign exchange market simpler.

Most traders, having received theoretical knowledge and started trading, are disappointed with the financial result, which is very different from what was expected.

Almost every beginner cannot come to terms with the fact that the number of unsuccessful trades is less than the number of profitable ones.

And the fact that the deposit is melting before our eyes also becomes an unpleasant surprise. This is where accusations against analysis come into force, some blame the imperfections of technical analysis for their mistakes, others talk about the uselessness of fundamental analysis.

The trader finds himself in a psychological dead end, experiences depression, it seems to him that everyone here is making money except him and the stock exchange is not his occupation.

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But in fact, there are no traders who enter into only profitable transactions; the Forex market cannot be predicted with 100% probability, no matter what type of analysis is used on it.

This also applies to ready-made strategies for trading, they do not guarantee success, but only help to find entry points into the market and recommend when to close the trade.

Strategies are just a template according to which you can build your work and nothing more; you still have to make the main decisions yourself.

Profitability is achieved not due to the predominance of the number of successful positions over unprofitable ones, but by obtaining maximum profits from each successful transaction.

No one is immune from mistakes, but the main thing is not to turn them into fatal ones and not to bring an unsuccessful deal to an end. deposit drain.

At the same time, you can only talk about how successful your trading was by assessing a long period of time.

Americans have a good rule to talk about salary as annual income, that is, if you are asked how much you earn, you answer not $1,000 a month, but 12,000 a year. The same approach is extremely relevant in trading; you can evaluate the effectiveness of exchange trading only by the results of the year and you should not be upset if any month does not meet your expectations.

Therefore, before blaming analysis or ready-made strategies for something, try to reconsider your trading system, reduce losses as much as possible from each transaction and, on the contrary, try to take everything possible from each profitable position.

And no one has canceled such a concept as experience; having a huge amount of theoretical knowledge, you will not immediately become a professional, be it medicine or computer science, let alone stock trading.

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