Decoding of abbreviated names and stock symbols

In stock trading, various abbreviations are often used for the convenience of users, and this is what happened with the names of shares.

An abbreviated version of the name of an exchange asset can be found in trading platforms, broker specifications , stock maps and price charts.

These abbreviations are also called “Symbols, Codes or Tickers”, and not only the names of securities are abbreviated this way, but also the names of bonds and indices.

At the same time, not everyone can immediately figure out what is hidden under this or that symbol and needs to be deciphered.

This can be done as simply as possible, especially if you have Internet access at hand, just enter a symbol into the search and select the result.

the best choice at the moment

For example, when searching for “BABA” shares, the desired result is immediately displayed; it turns out that these are securities of such a well-known company as Alibaba Group:

stock symbols

Moreover, you must remember to enter the word “stocks”, otherwise the search result may be quite unexpected.

If you use the metatrader 5 trading platform , then everything is even simpler, despite the fact that all securities are displayed in the market overview in the form of symbols, just move the mouse cursor:

breakdown of stock abbreviations

And a tooltip will appear with the name of the company and the sector to which it belongs.

As another additional source of information, you can use the website of the Moscow Stock Exchange - plugins/system/oyl/src/Redirect.php?oyl=Z2N6UgAO3HZe0ukhX9Ee3dh7RPju4NfIvu1in1rH7i4rcntlMnLgdQ%3D%3D

Where is more than detailed information on all assets available for trading.

It should also be noted that the abbreviated name of the same asset may differ slightly depending on which exchange it is traded on.




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