Script "Profit Statistics".

Often, for various purposes, a trader needs information on the statistics of profits received; information is necessary both to provideScript "Profit Statistics". investors and for their own purposes.

The "Profit Statistics" script allows you to show the relative and real value of profit for the current day, week and month.

As a result, you receive data on the profitability of transactions in dollars and percentages relative to the deposit amount.

In fact, this is the only function of this tool that does not require additional configuration, and installation is carried out by simply copying the script to the folder of the same name.

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After the script is moved to the chart, a separate window appears indicating the profit for the day, week, month and total balance.

In order to remove the script from the chart, simply click on the “Profit” script again in the Navigator window.


Script "Profit Statistics" .

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