Market Execution (market execution of orders).
Trading on the stock exchange involves two options for order execution - market and exact (instant), while Market Execution is in no way inferior to Instant Execution, despite the assurances of some Forex brokers.
Market Execution (market execution of orders) - implies that the placed order will be executed at the current market price, it may differ from the order price by a specified deviation size.
The execution speed when using this system is usually from 0.5 to 2 seconds, it all depends on the capabilities of your Internet connection and broker.
Advantages of market execution of orders.
The main advantage of this option for transmitting orders is that there are fewer requotes (refusals to execute an order).
Usually, when a trend moves quickly, your order simply does not physically have time to be executed at the price you received in the quote and you receive a refusal with an offer to open an order at a new price. So, when using market execution, the trader has the opportunity to immediately set the size of the permissible deviation, which will allow an order to be opened even if the quotes change.
Typically this parameter is set in the range from 1 to 5 points, depending on the rate of price change and the strategy used.
Setting a tolerance allows you to reduce requotes to almost nothing, which is sometimes more important than a couple of points of discrepancy. This option is practically devoid of any special disadvantages; if you wish, you can simply not set the permissible deviation indicator or simply set it to zero.
As for slippage, it usually occurs regardless of the execution option; its appearance is due only to incorrect operation of the trader’s trading terminal or the settings of the software of Forex dealing centers .
Market execution of orders involves opening new positions based on market prices, but thanks to flexible settings, you can trade using it, just like when using Instant Execution, in fact, this is only a formality that does not play a decisive role in Forex trading.