ZULUTRADE – punishment for indecisiveness.

Greetings dear visitors. Today I would like to share with you another report and talk about a simple error that I personally came across. Remember in the last article ZULUTRADE - THE FIRST DAMN COMING, I shared about the first failure with you and how literally the mistake of one manager can completely turn the overall picture around.

So, based on the results of the last article, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to remove a couple of managers because they use martingale, creating large risks with low income.

Then I concluded that the manager simply got into a drawdown and, as he usually had for half a year, he would undoubtedly come out of it. And this was my mistake. I went against all the rules of investing, became greedy and hoped that everything would bypass me as always.

the best choice at the moment

 As a result of the first days after writing the article, the trader actually began to come out of the drawdown little by little, but then there was a sharp upward movement in the euro/dollar pair, which was associated with the collapse of the Chinese market and as a consequence of the US market. The euro went up 600 points in just 2 days, and the dollar fell so fast that it was recorded as one of the fastest since 2009.

Thus, as a result of this movement, I already understood that the situation in my account would clearly not turn out in my favor. And when I entered my personal Zulu account, I saw this picture:

As it turned out, capital protection from Zulu worked, since the TraderVic trader exceeded the permissible drawdown and simply drowned the accounts of hundreds of subscribers. Due to the fact that the protection worked and his simply terrible actions, capital damage amounting to $700 was caused, and this was literally in a day. Although why blame him, since it was my mistake that I hoped and expected something from him, although I could have freely cut off the risks at their very inception.

The second trader under the pseudonym Pminvestcap also did not perform well. However, unlike the previous character, he was smart enough to cut off all positions and secure a loss of $100. You can actually see its profitability graph in the picture below:

The only trader who actually uses a trading strategy without a risky money management method was MWTechTransilvania. As in the previous article, there are only positive reviews about his work, since during this period he brought me $120, and without loading the deposit like the others. The graph of its profitability is shown in the picture below:

You can see the general situation for all managers and capital status in the picture below:

In conclusion, I would like to summarize that during the test period, thanks to two unprofitable managers, my loss was $834. This result makes me approach the selection of managers more responsibly, so the first goal I set for myself is to try to find managers like MWTechTransilvania.

I also admit my mistake and recommend that you never doubt yourself, but remove managers without waiting, like me, for bad news. Thanks for your attention, good luck!

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