A man for all markets. Edward Thorpe

At the moment, you most often come across books about Forex, the task of which is to reveal the technical aspects of exchange trading and teach new strategies and tactics to beginners.

But unfortunately, theoretical knowledge alone is often not enough to start making stable money; you also need to learn to think correctly.

Many people cannot learn trading for years only because they have a different mindset than professionals in this business.

“A Man for All Markets,” a study guide written by Edward Thorpe, is just what you need to understand the people who made a fortune on the stock exchange.

Its author is a bright personality with an interesting biography.

A person who successfully used mathematics both to win in casinos and to make money on the stock markets. Edward became the founder of two Hedge funds with an average return of 20% per annum and lasted more than 20 years. He created his own system for trading options and securities, which has proven its effectiveness in practice.

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One of the first to develop and apply statistical arbitrage strategy.

Despite the fact that the book is dedicated to gambling and making money on the stock market, it reads like a work of fiction. The author simply tells the story of his life, describes the events that happened to him, and shares his thoughts. And most importantly, he reveals his secrets, which have become the basis for successful earnings.

By reading A Man for All Markets, you can learn to think like people think. richest people in the world and assess your prospects for earning money on stock markets. Moreover, the book will be of interest not only to traders, but also to those who dream of beating the casino .

Download Man for all markets.

Reading is recommended for persons over 18 years of age.

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