Financier. Theodore Dreiser

In my articles, I often referred to books by an American author, who at one time instilled in me a love for stock trading.

Today I want to share one of them, “The Financier” is the first of the novels in the “Trilogy of Desires”, a series of books telling about how money was made in the 19th century.

The plot of the book was a real story about one of the American millionaires who, practically from scratch, was able to make a fortune that could now be valued at several billion dollars.

The true story of a speculator, a story about how the stock exchange of the nineteenth century was structured, how the analogue of leverage worked at that time.

You will also find out how valuable insider information is, and how share prices are formed under the influence of external factors. How much can circumstances influence, no matter how good the action plan you create is.

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In addition, a love line is harmoniously woven into the plot, making the book even more interesting and rich.

The story of the financier is a classic of world literature; reading the book helps to understand the world of finance, while it is amazing how nothing has changed in our world in 150 years. How tenacious are corruption schemes invented more than a century ago.

The book is definitely worth reading to better understand the essence of the exchange and the principles on which it functions.

Download "Financier".

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