"The Little Book of a Stock Market Winner." Joel Greenblatt

The stock market has always been a great place to make money; most of today's billionaires made their first millions on it.

Securities can be predicted well if you know how to use fundamental analysis; at the same time, you can use technical analysis for trading.

Trading on the stock market has its own distinctive features from trading on Forex that you need to know.

"The Little Book of a Stock Market Winner," written by academic and hedge fund manager Joel Greenblatt, will help you learn these features.

The author is not only a good theorist with a specialized education, but also a person who was able to actually apply the knowledge acquired at the university.

If you are interested in books exclusively about Forex, you will find them in the section - “Forex Books”.

the best choice at the moment

The book is suitable for a wide range of readers, as the presentation style is easy to understand.


• How people learn to earn money from childhood and become richer every day. What is the logic of profitable investments?

• Earnings on the stock market, market sentiment and selection of promising assets for investment. Assessment of risks and profitability of various types of securities.

• What good company she is. Formula for success. Formation of profitable investment portfolios.

• Diversification of available capital, creation of forecasts of the value of selected securities.

• How to get a million in your retirement account on time by investing thousands. Step-by-step instructions for creating your own investment portfolio.

This book can hardly be called an ordinary textbook, it is so easy to read. It feels like you are reading an interesting story while gaining the necessary knowledge. I would recommend this work to anyone who plans to start making money in the stock market.

Download The Little Book of a Stock Market Winner

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