Palladium metal, its cost and features of trading this asset on the exchange

Palladium is a rare silvery-white metal belonging to the platinum group. It has high malleability and ductility, making it an ideal material for a variety of applications.


Due to its unique properties, palladium is an important material in many industries, including:

Automotive industry: Catalytic converters.

Electronics: MRI, capacitors.

Jewelry industry: Jewelry.

Chemical industry: Catalysts.

Dentistry: Dental alloys.

Water purification: Membranes for hydrogen purification.

Demand for palladium is constantly growing, and reserves of this precious metal are very limited, making it a valuable investment tool.

At the moment, the price of palladium is about $930 per 1 troy ounce , while its value has a direct correlation with the exchange price of gold:

trading palladium on the exchange

That is, we can say that the value of this metal is constantly growing in the long term, just as it happens with gold.

At the same time, palladium rises in price a little later than gold, this provides excellent opportunities for making money, the main thing is to notice in time when the cost of gold and make a purchase of palladium.

Where to buy palladium metal?

You can buy this precious metal through a stock broker, who provides the opportunity to trade metals on the stock exchange.

Unfortunately, there are not so many such brokerage companies today; one of these is the InstaForex broker , whose trading platform includes such an asset as XPDUSD.

metal palladium

If we talk about the features of palladium trading, we can highlight the following points:

  • One lot is equal to 100 troy ounces
  • A commission is charged for opening trades
  • There is also a fee for transferring positions to the next day.

In this case, the minimum transaction is 0.01 lot or one troy ounce, which at the current price is 930 US dollars. And if we take into account the leverage of 1:10, then it is an order of magnitude less.

Palladium is an asset with high volatility , so trading it can bring quite good profits, both when buying and selling positions.

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