Women traders.

It just so happens that in the financial world the first places in the rankings are occupied by men; everyone knowsfemale forex traders the names of Soros, Trump, Cohen and other major financial tycoons.

The question arises: Do women traders exist or is it only men who can trade and achieve success on the stock exchange?

Why is it so rare to see the names of female traders in the press? Are there any successful examples where a woman was able to make a fortune on Forex?

the best choice at the moment

Working on financial and commodity exchanges a few decades ago was considered an exclusively male affair, which is why there are so few female traders among well-known exchange players.

The average age of large investors is 60-65 years old, and they started their careers at 20-25. It is quite possible that in a few years we will hear about new women billionaires who made their fortune on the stock exchange.

The second reason for the lack of popularity is the peculiarity of online trading; online trading is practically anonymous; if you do not want the dealing center to advertise your name, it will remain secret.

How many women are there and how successful are they in Forex trading?

At the moment this is about 8%, and this data is taken from specific statistics, and the most interesting thing is that they trade several times more successfully than men.

Perhaps this is due to the natural caution of women; they are less likely to lose deposits due to thoughtless risks. The question arises, why such a small percentage of the total number of traders? Everything is quite simple, for most men trading is an additional source of income, to which they devote their free time.

Women have much less time, which is why they trade less often.

In addition, making money has always been the prerogative of men, and many of the female half do not consider it necessary to look for new sources of income. Therefore, if you are a woman and you have free time, nothing prevents you from becoming a trader and making an independent career. How to get started on Forex is described in the article “ Basics of Forex Trading ”.

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