Passive investments or how to get money without making efforts

If you have money, you probably dream of investing it so that it would be a passive income without making any special efforts.

passive investments

The topic of passive investment is quite popular in social networks, but in fact there are not many options for investing money to passive income.

Passive investments are an investment strategy in which the investor is minimally involved in the asset management process, trying to make regular profit without active participation in managing his investments.

Traditionally, options for such investments are investments in securities, bank deposits, real estate. Recently, this can also be included in cryptocurrencies tied to solid currencies ( stablecoins ).

The essence of these investments is that you get a stable income without the need to sell an invested asset. That is, for this reason, gold can only be conditionally included in this list. Despite the fact that the precious metal is steadily more expensive, you will not get a percentage for owning gold ingots.

Types of passive investment available today

In order to choose the best option for investing money, you need to imagine how much this or that investment will bring.

Securities -a truly passive investment, in this case, there will be a purchase of bonds , since in this case you will not need to regularly control whether the dividend company pays or not.

What is passive investment

After all, dividends on shares depend on the decision of the leadership of the joint -stock company, and at any time it can cancel these payments. Therefore, the investor has to regularly modify his shares portfolio, removing non -promising shares from him and buying new ones.

The average profitability of bonds on average is 3-6 percent per annum, all the envy of whether you will buy state securities or bonds of large companies. Торговля облигациями .

A bank deposit is the easiest option for passive investments, if you have a sufficient amount of money, it is it that will allow you to live on interest without making any special efforts.

Which is more profitable for dividend shares or deposit.

You can earn a lot on deposits only if these deposits are in weak currencies (hryvnia, ruble, tenge, Lari, etc.).

passive income

Interests on deposits in unstable currencies range from 10 to 20 percent per annum, interest on deposits in dollars or euros is much more modest - from 1 to 4 percent per annum.

An alternative to a banking deposit is cryptocurrency staying , but to avoid risks, it is recommended to use stabilcoins staying, according to which you can get 4-6% per annum.

Недвижимость – если вы рассчитываете купить квартиру и после задавать ее в аренду, то этот вариант сложно назвать пассивной инвестицией. Since you will have to control the payment of utilities, do repairs, and search for residents.

Therefore, it is best to buy objects such as parking spaces or garages for rent, as an option, there may be commercial real estate.

Passive income options

The income from the surrender of real estate is usually 4-6% per annum, as you can see, there are not much more profit from the streaming of cryptocurrencies, and worries and troubles are many times more.

Gold - I do not include an investment in gold to passive investments, since in this case it is impossible to regularly receive a percentage of the invested amount.

But today there is a rather interesting option in which gold can bring passive income. Это стейкинг Tether Gold (XAU₮), криптовалюты стоимость, которой привязана к золоту.

Buying Tether Gold and sending to staining you will make a profit not only from the rise in price of gold, but also the percentage of stakeing, which is in the region of 2-3% per annum.

As a result, we can conclude that as if passive investments are not attractive, their maximum profitability is unlikely to exceed 6% per annum. Therefore, to receive decent income, a decent amount of money will be required.

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