WHO forecast for the end of the pandemic and what to expect in world markets in 2021

We are all already tired of the protracted COVID-19 pandemic; constant restrictions and wearing masks complicate our lives and negatively affect our psyche.

But this is not so bad; for the second year now, the epidemic has had a negative impact on the economy, people are losing their jobs, and with it their livelihoods.

The coronavirus has not spared world markets either; problems in the economy are causing most securities to fall in price.

Against the backdrop of these events, everyone is wondering when the pandemic will end and the world will return to normal?

Yesterday, WHO announced the approximate date of this joyful event; according to experts from the World Health Organization, the end of the pandemic should be expected at the beginning of 2022.

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This will be facilitated by the distribution of vaccines and the development of immunity in most of the world's population.

That is, sad as it is, 2021 will also pass under the influence of COVID-19, there will be no complete lifting of quarantine restrictions and the world will still not return to normal life.

How will this situation affect the global economy?

Since the current situation has lasted for quite a long time, some stability is gradually appearing in the markets.

Shares of those enterprises that suffered from quarantine restrictions will continue to fall, but it will not be as strong as at the beginning of 2020.

A similar situation is observed with securities of companies providing online services, only in the opposite direction.

Their securities will continue to grow throughout the year, but also without sudden jumps. It is the shares of companies providing online services (online stores, online services, libraries and online cinemas) that will remain as attractive as possible for investors throughout 2021.

But other securities will begin to grow actively as soon as restrictions on travel and store operations are lifted.

This will be a good time to buy them. The cryptocurrency market will continue to live its own life in 2021; now the price of Bitcoin and altcoins is no longer influenced by the coronavirus situation, but by supply and demand.

An increase in capitalization stimulates price growth, and sales push it down. Most commodity prices will remain at fairly low levels until the global economy operates at full capacity.

As has been noted more than once, a crisis is also a good time to make money, especially if you know which securities to sell and which ones will bring profit after purchase.

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