What will the chip shortage lead to and how to use this problem to make money on the stock exchange

Almost every Internet user has heard about the problem with the supply of chips (integrated circuits) that are used in the production of gadgets and cars.

This shortage arose in 2019 after the shutdown of several factories producing these high-tech components.

The problem did not find a solution either in 2020 or in 2021, in addition, the demand for products that use chips has only increased, thereby increasing the demand for integrated circuits.

As a result, many of the world's corporations were forced to reduce the production of their products, and sometimes simply shut down entire factories.

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Which companies will be affected by the microchip shortage?

First of all, these are such gadget manufacturers as Samsung, Apple, Huawei, Xiaomi, Oppo, NVIDIA, ASUS, Gigabyte, Sapphire, MSI:

Many of the listed companies have temporarily stopped the work of some factories and sent their workers on vacation. And consumers experienced problems when ordering new gadgets.

The shortage also affected the automotive industry, which is becoming more and more high-tech every year.

The production of new cars has dropped significantly in such corporations as Toyota, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, General Motors, Renault, Nissan, Mitsubishi:

For example, the same Toyota, despite great demand, reduced its sales by 20% worldwide, it is clear that this fact will also affect the expected profit for 2021.

Analysts estimate that the microchip shortage will continue until 2023, so investments in industries that rely on integrated circuits should now be cautious.

A good result will be achieved by short-term trading within one day, or by opening sell transactions on securities for which a downward trend .

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At the same time, if you still want to buy something in hopes of making money on dividends, you should pay attention to companies engaged in online trading and the production of medicines.

Due to the pandemic, their securities continue to be in good demand and are only growing in price.

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