Is there a Forex market website and what is its address?

The foreign exchange market has existed since time immemorial, but the history of the modern forex market began not so long ago, only 50 years ago in 1971.

It was this year that the so-called “Jamaican Agreement” was signed, as a result of which the exchange rate of a particular currency began to depend not only on how much the currency is worth in gold, but also on other market factors.

As a result of this event, speculative currency trading began to develop at a rapid pace, increasing the volume of transactions every year.

At the moment, the volume of exchange transactions on the Forex currency market already exceeds 7 trillion US dollars per year.

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Now Forex is a decentralized market, prices for currency pairs are formed on the interbank foreign exchange market, depending on trading sessions.

That's why Forex is called an over-the-counter market, and that's why there is no official Forex website.

forex website

If you wish, you can visit only sites of individual brokerage companies providing access to currency trading or sites of regional exchanges, for example, the website of the Moscow Exchange Plugins/System/Oyl/SRC/ Redirect.php

The above is confirmed by the results of an Internet search for the query “Forex website”:

When, instead of the official website page, you see the websites of brokerage companies in the first positions in the search results, since the Forex website simply does not exist. It should be noted that the broker’s website is also located at “”.

Every year, the Forex market moves further and further away from real trading platforms, thanks to the development of Internet trading and trading platforms, therefore the formation of exchange rates is also gradually moving into the virtual space.

This makes currency trading even more independent of regulation; exchange rates are formed only under the influence of market factors.  

Despite the absence of an official Forex website, you can find out currency quotes the websites of brokers who provide services for trading currencies and cryptocurrencies.

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