Monitoring ForexCopy accounts from InstaForex
ForexCopy account monitoring is a simple rating table with a list of managing traders whose signals you can copy.

As a rule, the first accounts in monitoring are determined by the system based on profitability, but you can independently manipulate the criteria and select managers depending on your preferences.
If we talk about selection criteria directly in monitoring, then you can set criteria based on the balance of the managing trader, funds, the number of open transactions at the moment, or the total number of transactions.
You can also select by the number of investors or by the number of subscribers to the signal, by the end of the day (profit in dollars per day) and also by the age of the account.
Of course, it is up to you to decide whether to copy the signals of such a trader, but it is best to distribute the risks and use two different services rather than copy a risky monitoring participant in advance. You can perform all manipulations with the criteria at the top of the table.

In order to get acquainted with detailed information for each account, you will need to click on the name and number of the manager on the left. After that, your personal page for the ForexCopy management account will appear in front of you.
On it you can see more detailed information on profitability, drawdown, see the yield and drawdown curve directly on the chart, profitability by day, month or for the entire period of the account’s existence.
Also on the manager’s page you can see what currency pairs are being traded, leverage size, the age of the account and its total profitability, the number of subscribers, the number of closed transactions.

In conclusion, I would like to note that account monitoring ForexCopy from InstaForex is structured in such a way as to simplify the selection of managers for each investor as much as possible, and the criteria that can be set for the search will significantly simplify the selection process and implementation of your investment strategy.
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