What is more promising: platinum or gold?

Over the past few months, many investors who bought gold at prices above $2,000 per troy ounce have been wondering why gold has stopped rising?

platina or gold

Almost every day the news reports about a possible US default and how much the price of the precious metal will rise after that, but the price still moves in the corridor of $2000-2050.

There are quite a few reasons why gold does not rise in price, but the most important is the low demand for this precious metal.

A paradoxical situation has developed in the market: on the one hand, Central banks and small investors are buying up gold bars, on the other hand, there is a reduction in demand for precious gold products and an increase in the supply of the metal.

What could restrictions on investment in the Chinese economy lead to?

Today China is the world's second largest economy; in 2022, China's GDP amounted to more than 18 trillion US dollars.

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The country managed to achieve this figure, not least thanks to foreign direct investment.

Every year, foreign investors invest about $200 billion in the development of the Chinese economy, and every year this figure grows by an average of 20%.

The other day, the American administration announced that it was preparing a package of sanctions against China, and they would also affect investments in the Chinese economy.

Conflicting Predictions Regarding the Price of Major Cryptocurrencies

The financial crisis has led to people no longer trusting banks; recently, the outflow of deposits from banks has amounted to hundreds of billions of US dollars.

cryptocurrency forecast 2023

But not everyone prefers to keep withdrawn money in cash; many investors choose investing in cryptocurrencies as an alternative to deposits.

While forecasts for this type of asset are far from clear, some predict sky-high rates for major cryptocurrencies, while others predict the market will fall to a new low.

Currently, the price of Bitcoin is in the region of $30,000, and the second most popular digital currency, Ethereum, is approaching $2,000 per coin.

Cryptocurrency traders prefer not to pay taxes

Every year, the popularity of cryptocurrency trading is growing exponentially; more and more people are making money from speculative transactions using digital assets.

treydery neplatiat tax

Profits amount to millions, and sometimes tens of millions of US dollars.

It would seem that large earnings presuppose a desire to share money and pay taxes on excess profits received.

But according to a study conducted by one of the Swedish companies Divly, it turned out that only 0.5% of cryptocurrency traders paid taxes on their profits in 2022.  

Prohibition of short positions for Muslims and other features of trading taking into account Shariah laws

Islam is one of the few world religions that still strictly respect the laws set out in the basic dogmas and decisions of the councils of spiritual governance.

ban on short positions

Shariah laws apply to almost all areas of life of believers, including stock trading.

One of the latest innovations was the ban on opening short, uncovered positions and on the use of leverage for Muslims of the Russian Federation.

That is, now believers who profess this religion in the Russian Federation will not be able to make unsecured sales transactions or trade using borrowed funds from a broker.

What is the reason for the next drop in the price of gold?

2022 has become one of the busiest periods in the global economy and finance. Falling stock market prices, record inflation and economic recession.

All this will usually lead to investors starting to transfer their capital into the most stable assets, such as gold.

This is what happened in practice: in 2022, demand for the precious metal increased by 18% and reached its maximum over a 10-year period.

Demand is not expected to decline in 2023 either; most national banks plan to increase their gold reserves, and the population is buying gold bars by the kilogram. And all this against the backdrop of a reduction in supplies from Russia.

More than Forex! How thousands of traders earn money in NPB Invest

If Forex has not yet become a source of high income for you, or you want to earn money under new safe and comfortable conditions, then this article is for you.

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Today we present a popular social trading service - NPB Invest. Why is it bigger than Forex? How do thousands of traders make money using the service?

We answer questions and tell you why we recommend NPB Invest as the best platform for investing in 2023.

NPB Invest : security and service operation

Proper familiarization with a platform or other financial product begins with its developer.

In the case of NPB Invest, the developer is a reliable and time-tested broker NPBFX , which occupies one of the leading positions in the CIS space.

Forex trading competition with big prizes

Very often you hear from novice traders that they are professionals in stock trading, and the only thing stopping them from making a lot of money is the lack of initial capital.

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But you can prove your professionalism in stock trading without money by participating in various competitions on demo accounts held by brokerage companies.

Despite the fact that trading on demo accounts is carried out with virtual money, it is possible to win quite real money, which can then be used for trading or withdrawn to your bank account.

In order to win such Forex competitions, you just need to open a demo account with a broker and show the best profitability in a limited period of time.

How to receive shares of famous companies as a gift

The essence of success is that a person uses all the opportunities given to him and thanks to this achieves what he wants.

This time, people interested in stock trading have a unique opportunity to receive shares of the world's leading companies absolutely free of charge.

This became possible thanks to a series of advertising campaigns conducted by one of the leading brokers in honor of the New Year 2023.

The brokerage company ForexClub (Libertex) credits new and registered clients with securities in the amount of $200, the accrual is made in the form of a bonus.

How to get a 50% traded Welcome bonus from NPBFX?

Without hidden conditions and zeroing out drawdown, it helps you earn more and save your deposit.

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This is exactly the kind of honest and profitable bonus offered by the famous broker NPBFX.

The 50% welcome is one of the best offers in the industry.

Attention! The bonus is available without any restrictions to traders from the Russian Federation, as well as other CIS countries.

What are the advantages of trading with a bonus? How to get 50% bonus funds with real money on deposit from NPBFX?

Exchange work on New Year's holidays 2023

Traditionally, before the New Year holidays, most traders are interested in how the exchange will work and what days the weekend falls on.

This information is necessary in order to close existing positions on time and avoid charging additional commissions for transferring positions.

In addition, we should not forget about the holiday decrease in liquidity for almost all traded assets, which leads to a significant widening of spreads.

Therefore, you need not only to know how the exchange will work during the New Year holidays of 2023, but also to constantly monitor the size of the spread on the days before the holidays.

US elections and the impact of their results on the stock market

At the moment, the most discussed topic is the midterm elections to the United States Congress.

The situation is quite complex and according to most forecasts, as a result of these elections, Republicans have a fairly high chance of replacing Democrats in the House of Representatives and the Senate.

It is clear that such a change cannot but be reflected in the US stock and financial markets, and many investors are interested in the consequences of the ongoing elections.

What will happen if the Republicans nevertheless come to power in the United States, how will this fact affect the country’s economy and what consequences can be expected for the stock market?

What to expect from the price of gold in 2023, how long will the precious metal fall in price?

In 2022, a paradoxical situation has developed in the precious metals market; while demand for physical gold is growing, the price on the exchange for futures contracts continues to fall.

Historically, it is believed that precious metals begin to rise in price when inflation increases, armed conflicts and economic instability increase.

But 2022 has refuted all the rules on which exchange trading has been based for years; the price of metal behaves in an unusual way.

If at the beginning of the military conflict in Ukraine gold reacted completely predictably, now its price has dropped below 2021 values.

Exacerbation of military conflict and possible consequences for markets

Almost a month has already passed since “Partial mobilization” was announced in the Russian Federation, during which it was planned to call up 300 thousand military personnel.

Mobilization will significantly increase the activity of military operations in Ukraine and may lead to a new attack on Kyiv from Belarus.

The escalation of the conflict is predicted for the end of October, beginning of November 2022, by which time Russia will be able to complete the training of newly recruited military personnel.

The first signs of a worsening situation were calls from the Foreign Ministries of China, Egypt and a number of other countries to leave the territory of Ukraine.

New sanctions as a reason to make money on a downward trend

Over the past six months, we have somehow become accustomed to the fact that markets are constantly falling; we remember with nostalgia the times when we could buy a security and watch it grow while receiving dividends.

But a downward trend is not a reason to take a break from stock trading, because thanks to modern methods of stock trading, you can open uncovered sell transactions.

The main thing is to identify the news in time, which will serve as the beginning of a fall in the price of shares of a particular company.

One of such news, recently, is the introduction of sanctions against companies closely related to the Russian economy.

What will a change in the Swiss franc interest rate bring?

The Swiss franc was and remains one of the hardest world currencies; it is not as popular as the euro or dollar and is used more for storing capital than for making payments.

The Swiss franc has always been one of my favorite currencies, but the main reason why I was in no hurry to transfer my savings into this currency was the negative rate of the Swiss Central Bank.

It’s a rather dubious pleasure to pay 0.75% per year on a deposit in Swiss currency and lose 7.5 francs for every 1000 in the account.

It’s quite easy to calculate how much money is lost in ten years, and if you also take into account inflation and fees for maintaining an account, then the point of such investments completely disappears.

Cashback from a reliable broker NPBFX (checklist for connection)

Cashback has firmly entered the consumer industry. Retail chains and service operators offer us cashback in percentages, goods, points, and discounts. As a rule, we are happy to use such offers.

Why lose the benefit?! When trading Forex, cashback from a reliable broker will help you not only reduce trading costs - the entire amount is paid in real money!

This is exactly the unique offer “Cashback up to 60% of the spread!” operates in the well-known company NPBFX .

The conditions are as transparent and understandable as possible.

How does the mechanism work in practice and what do you need to do to connect cashback to your trading account?

Execution of transactions using ECN Core technology

Almost any trader knows that the highest quality service for executing exchange transactions is possible using ECN accounts.

The Electronic Communication Network electronic transaction system represents a fully automated order execution process.

The main advantages of ECN are the absence of intermediaries, high liquidity, maximum execution speed and transparency of the process itself.

But progress does not stand still, and to attract new clients, brokers offer even more advanced order execution systems.

Gas futures as a chance to make good money this fall

There are many asset prices that are subject to seasonal influences, one of such assets is natural gas.

Moreover, prices for it are rising not only in anticipation of cold weather, but also with the worsening geopolitical shutdown.

Problems with gas supplies to Europe and the approaching winter are actively stimulating an increase in the price of this energy carrier.

The market is actively reacting to current events, and the cost of European futures has already exceeded $2,500 per 1,000 cubic meters, and on the American NYMEX gas is sold at a price above $900 per 1,000 cubic meters.

Record inflation has led to increased demand for gold

Military actions in Ukraine have had a huge impact on the world economy, primarily noticeable by the acceleration of inflation rates.

Prices are rising at record rates even in countries not directly involved in the conflict; the inflation rate in developed countries has exceeded 10% per annum, and in countries with less stable economies this figure has exceeded 50%.

According to all forecasts, the negative trend is only gaining momentum and we should not expect the situation to stabilize until the end of the armed conflict.

Rising prices also have an adverse effect on the exchange rates of national currencies, which fall against the US dollar and the Swiss franc.

Default in Russia and its consequences for the ruble exchange rate and the stock market

One of the most authoritative news agencies , Bloomberg , reported that on June 27, 2022, a default occurred in the Russian Federation.

That is, Russia was unable to repay debt obligations to holders of government bonds in the amount of 100 million US dollars.

The money was supposed to be transferred before 24:00 on June 26, 2022, but due to the blocking of Russian accounts, it was technically impossible to complete the obligatory payment.

Therefore, we can say that the default is purely technical, since there is money, but there is simply no way to transfer it to the creditor.

What stocks to buy in 2022, what do billionaires prefer in the stock market

There are a huge number of trading strategies in the stock market, but the simplest of them is the strategy of imitating the actions of market makers.

Unlike the currency exchange, securities transactions are often made public, so anyone can repeat the purchases of the world's leading financiers.

This strategy is ideally suited for long-term investments; earnings using it presuppose the presence of solid capital.

And the formation of profit occurs due to the increase in the price of purchased company shares and the amount of dividends received on these securities.

Is it worth investing in weapons stocks now?

As sales statistics show, since the beginning of the pandemic, the demand for weapons in the world has increased significantly; for example, Smith & Wesson Brands increased its sales of weapons in 2020 by 2.5 times.

People began to arm themselves en masse in order to independently try to ensure their safety in turbulent times.

The outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine again spurred the demand for weapons, but unlike previous years, anti-aircraft missile systems, armored vehicles, and military aircraft are now in high demand.

What is happening at the moment with the price of shares of arms companies that produce and sell weapons, should we expect profit from such investments?

How the situation in Ukraine affected world currency rates

More than three weeks have already passed since the start of hostilities on the territory of Ukraine; this event has radically affected the situation on world markets.

After the panic on the main exchanges has subsided, one can soberly assess the existing exchange rates, and most importantly, the impact that the conflict has on the economies of the countries participating in it.

In addition to the ruble and the hryvnia, a week after the start of hostilities, the Polish zloty also fell significantly, the fall was about 15% to 4.60 zlotys per US dollar.

Now there has been a rollback, and the price of the USD/PLN currency pair is currently 4.28 zlotys per dollar, which is still higher than on February 23, 2022.

Exchange trading in rubles in the modern realities of spring 2022

After the outbreak of hostilities in Ukraine, the number of exchange transactions with the Russian ruble increased hundreds of times.

Most transactions involve the exchange of cash Russian currency for harder monetary units of other countries. The most popular are the US dollar and the euro.

In this way, people try to protect their savings from depreciation due to inflation and a rapidly falling exchange rate.

The situation on the foreign exchange market is quite difficult, and the introduction of a 12% tax on the purchase of foreign currency only further fueled the downward trend.

What will the chip shortage lead to and how to use this problem to make money on the stock exchange

Almost every Internet user has heard about the problem with the supply of chips (integrated circuits) that are used in the production of gadgets and cars.

This shortage arose in 2019 after the shutdown of several factories producing these high-tech components.

The problem did not find a solution either in 2020 or in 2021, in addition, the demand for products that use chips has only increased, thereby increasing the demand for integrated circuits.

As a result, many of the world's corporations were forced to reduce the production of their products, and sometimes simply shut down entire factories.

A new blow to the crypto market or how the ban of the Bank of Russia will affect the cryptocurrency exchange rate

This moment cannot be called calm in the global financial markets; news is constantly appearing that creates new trends.

Therefore, despite the approach of the New Year holidays, prices for various assets are either rapidly declining or rising again.

The New Year's rally did not bypass the cryptocurrency market; not so long ago, Bitcoin, which was sold at a price of $60,000 per coin, is now trading below $50,000.

But it is quite possible that the cryptocurrency has not yet reached its bottom; another news from Russia could resume the downward trend.

How much will Bitcoin cost in 2022, buy, sell or wait?

After the Bitcoin cryptocurrency once again reached a price of $60,000 per unit, investors again paid attention to this asset.

Thanks to the growth, many optimists who bought cryptocurrency at $40,000 were able to make good money, and an example of a successful investment has always been the best advertisement.

Now everyone is interested in how much Bitcoin will cost in 2022, what are the price prospects and what could affect the price.

At a cost of $60,000, it is quite difficult to decide whether to buy more or whether it is time to sell what was previously purchased, because the price is currently at its historical maximum.

Cryptocurrencies are gradually losing their main advantage

Over the ten years of its existence, cryptocurrencies have gained unprecedented popularity among people working online or wanting to hide their income.

And this is not surprising, because the main advantage of Bitcoin and similar assets is the complete anonymity of the sender and recipient.

In addition, unlike a bank, you cannot send a request and receive an answer - How much money is stored in a person’s account.

That is, you can make a profit in cryptocurrency and no one will know about it, and then buy expensive things and also remain anonymous.

The reasons for the fall of Bitcoin and the immediate prospects for its exchange rate

While many of the exchange players were focused on long-term growth, the rate of the main cryptocurrency Bitcoin fell.

Sometimes it’s simply shocking how easily the powers that be can influence stock exchange rates; just one phrase is enough and the price of an asset will rise or fall within a couple of hours.

This happened this time too, after Elon Musk’s statement that his company would stop selling Tesla electric vehicles for cryptocurrency.

After this, a rapid decline in the price of bitcoin began and, as a result, a decline in the rates of other cryptocurrencies.

As a result, the minimum price of Bitcoin was only $45,890 per unit; this cryptocurrency has not fallen so low since March 2021.

How the stock exchange works during the May holidays 2021, trading restrictions

May 2021 presented us with a gift in the form of a rather long weekend, at the same time, the stock market has its own rules.

Therefore, many traders are interested in how the exchange works during the May holidays 2021 in order to organize the process of opening transactions as efficiently as possible.

Let's start with the fact that, first of all, the changes will affect trading in such currency pairs as USDRUB, EURRUB and assets that are traded exclusively on Russian exchange platforms.

This year, May 1, 2, 2021 falls on Saturday and Sunday, so trading is closed for all assets with the exception of crypto currency pairs for some brokers.

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